Donate Your Return-It Express Refund To VASS
Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports is now registered in the charity list for Return-It Express.
You can simply place your unsorted bottles/cans/milk containers in clear bags, go to the Express kiosk and type in our phone number 604-646-VASS (8277). Click here for a full list of returnable items.
Print as many labels as you have bags. Attach the labels and leave them there!
Spread the word to friends and family taking bottles in for recycling.
It’s a great new way to show your support!
PLEASE NOTE: Bags cannot contain paper or cardboard packaging, only deposit bearing containers.
Return-It Express is the simple and convenient way to return your beverage containers for refund! With Express, you no longer need to spend time counting and sorting your containers – just bag them and drop them off at an Express Depot. We’ll do the rest!
CLICK HERE to see the Return-It Express Location close to you.
Thank you for your support.
Bottle return, fundraiser, Express, return-it, bottle drive